
Paragraph List

Paragraph Group - 1
          1 # Global Village
          2 # How to Keep Good Health Or, How to Keep Fit
          3 # Natural Calamities of Bangladesh
          4 # Importance of Learning English
          5 # My Homeland Bangladesh

Paragraph Group - 2

          6 # Our Wage Earners
          7 # Ecological Balance
          8 # Kitchen Garden
          9 # The Zoo You Visited
        10 # Nuclear Family

Paragraph Group - 3
        11 # My Home Town - Chittagong & Feni
        12 # Family system of Kenya and Bangladesh
        13 # My Family
        14 # Adopting Illegal Process in the Examination or, Unfair Means in Examination or, Copying in the Examination or, Bad Effects of Copying in Examination
        15 # How to Learn English

Paragraph Group - 4
        17 # Leisure Time
        18 # Environment Pollution
        19 # Deforestation
        20 # Greenhouse Effect

Paragraph Group - 5
        21 # How to Observe a Birthday
        22 # Air Pollution
        23 # How to Save Environment
        24 # Primary Education System in Bangladesh
        25 # Importance of Playing Games and Sports

Paragraph Group - 6
        26 # A Book Fair Or, A Book Exhibition
        27 # A Day Labour
        28 # A good Teacher
        29 # A Journey By Train
        30 # A Little Knowledge Is A Dangerous Thing

Paragraph Group - 7
        31 # A Nurse
        32 # A Railway Station
        33 # A Rainy Day
        34 # A Shop Keeper
        35 # A Sleepless Night

Paragraph Group - 8
        36 # A Street Hawker
        37 # A Tea Stall
        38 # A Winter Morning
        39 # Ambition
        40 # Computer

Paragraph Group - 9
        41 # Bangabandhu Satellite
        42 # Digital Bangladesh
        43 # Discipline
        44 # Dividing the Bread
        45 # Drug Addiction

Paragraph Group - 10
        46 # Early Rising
        47 # Experience is The Best Teacher
        48 # Female Education
        49 # How to Become a Good Student
        50 # How to Do Well in The Examination

Paragraph Group - 11
        51 # Importance of Nursing
        52 # Life of a Poor Woman
        53 # Load Shedding
        54 # Montreal city of Canada
        55 # My Country

Paragraph Group - 12
        56 # My Daily Routine
        57 # My First Day At School
        58 # My Grandfather
        59 # My Pen Friend
        60 # My Reading Room

Paragraph Group - 13
        61 # My School Library & Our College Library
        62 # My School Magazine & Our College Magazine
        63 # My Village
        64 # Newspaper
        65 # Secret of Good Health

Paragraph Group - 14
        66 # Solar Cooker
        67 # The Fox Without A Tail
        68 # The House I Live In
        69 # The Liberation War
        70 # The Life of Mongolians

Paragraph Group - 15
        71 # The Victory Day
        72 # Your Class Room
        73 # National Memorial
        74 # Begum Rokeya
        75 # The Cow

Paragraph Group - 16
        76 # The Dog
        77 # The Cat
        78 # The Rice
        79 # Tea
        80 # Paper

Paragraph Group - 17
        81 # Milk
        82 # A Picnic
        83 # The Value of Time
        84 # The Rainy Season
        85 # Student Life

Paragraph Group - 18
        86 # Diana’s Death
        87 # Rickshaw
        88 # Television
        90 # Food

Paragraph Group - 19
        91 # A Hartal Day
        92 # A Cultural Function you have attended
        93 # A Sea Beach Or, Kuakata Beach
        94 # A Street Beggar
        95 # A Visit To a Historical Place

Paragraph Group - 20
        96 # A Visit to an Industrial Fair
        97 # Aims of Education
        98 # ATM Card
        99 # A Bus Stand Or, A Bus Stop
      100 # A Launch Ghat

Paragraph Group - 21
      101 # Water
      102 # A Stormy Night
      104 # A Street Quarrel

Paragraph Group - 22
      106 # A Village Market
      107 # A Railway Porter
      108 # A Public Library
      109 # A Fish Market
      110 # A Village Fair

Paragraph Group - 23
      111 # A Moon-Lit Night
      112 # A Street Accident
      113 # A Postman
      114 # A Summer Noon
      115 # A Protest Meeting

Paragraph Group - 24
      116 # A Dictionary
      117 # A Traffic Police
      118 # Adult Allowance
      119 # A Tea Party
      120 # A Book-Stall

Paragraph Group - 25
      121 # A Reporter
      122 # Advertisement on TV
      123 # A Birthday Party
      124 # A Television Set
      125 # A Religious Festival

Paragraph Group - 26
      126 # A Sudden Death News
      127 # A Sun-Set Scene Or, A Beautiful Sun-Set
      128 # A Bosom Friend
      129 # Acid Throwing
      130 # A Scene After A Storm

Paragraph Group - 27
      131 # A Wedding Ceremony
      132 # A Coaching Center
      133 # An Ideal Student
      134 # An Evening Walk
      135 # An Election Day

Paragraph Group - 28
      136 # An Interesting TV Serial
      137 # An English Class
      138 # Anger / Anger is Man’s Worst Enemy
      139 # An Ideal House
      140 # An Ideal Political Leader

Paragraph Group - 29
      141 # Amusement
      142 # Autumn
      145 # AIDS

Paragraph Group - 30
      146 # Band Music in Bangladesh
      147 # Blood Bank
      148 # Ban on Polythene
      149 # Benefits of Education
      150 # Baishakhi Mela

Paragraph Group - 31
      151 # Buying Books
      153 # Blood Donation
      154 # Brain Drain
      155 # Bad Effects of TV

Paragraph Group - 32
      156 # Child Labour in Bangladesh
      157 # City Life
      158 # Canal Digging
      160 # Civic Sense

Paragraph Group - 33
      161 # Computer Exhibition
      162 # Crime in Cities
      163 # Cultural Intrusion
      164 # Cricket
      165 # Cyclone

Paragraph Group - 34
      166 # Cyber Café
      167 # Character
      168 # Childhood Memories
      169 # College Hostel
      170 # Computer Today
Paragraph Group - 35
      171 # Child Trafficking
      172 # Charity
      173 # Clean Water
      174 # Can English be the world language?
      175 # Common Leisure Pursuits in Bangladesh

Paragraph Group - 36
      176 # Country Life vs City Life
      177 # Deforestation
      178 # Dangers of Smoking
      179 # Discipline

Paragraph Group - 37
      181 # Dengue Fever
      182 # Earthquake Disaster
      183 # E-Mail
      184 # E-Commerce
      185 # Examination Centers

Paragraph Group - 38
      186 # Eating Habit
      189 # Fresh Air
      190 # Friendship

Paragraph Group - 39
      192 # Female Education
      193 # Flattery
      194 # Frugality
      195 # Frustration

Paragraph Group - 40
      196 # Flowers You Like
      197 # Falsehood
      198 # Freedom Fighter
      200 # Grameen Bank

Paragraph Group - 41
      201 # Gender Discrimination in Bangladesh
      202 # Global Warming
      203 # Globalization
      204 # Gardening
      205 # Guest Birds or, Migratory Birds

Paragraph Group - 42
      206 # Gratitude
      207 # Human Rights
      208 # Holidays
      209 # Happiness
      210 # How to prepare a cup of tea

Paragraph Group - 43
      211 # Honesty
      212 # Hospitality

Paragraph Group - 44
      218 # Juvenile Delinquency
      219 # Life in a village
      220 # Liberation War of Bangladesh

Paragraph Group - 45
      221 # Language Movement
      222 # Love of Power
      223 # Leisure
      224 # Loneliness
      225 # Looking for a job

Paragraph Group - 46
      226 # Rohingya Refugees or, Rohingya Problem
      227 # My Sweet Home
      228 # My Favourite Sportsman
      229 # Morning Walk
      230 # My Favourite Book

Paragraph Group - 47
      231 # My Favourite Poem
      232 # Meeting Old Friends
      233 # Mournful Songs or, Melancholy songs
      234 # My Favourite Cricketer
      235 # Money for Education

Paragraph Group - 48
      236 # Mobile Phone
      237 # Man And Nature
      238 # May Day
      239 # Money and Honey
      240 # Morality

Paragraph Group - 49
      241 # My Daily Life
      242 # My Family
      243 # My Neighbours
      244 # My Best friend
      245 # My favourite Teacher

Paragraph Group - 50
      246 # Mango or, The King of Fruits
      247 # My Parents
      248 # Making Good Friends
      249 # My Favourite Game
      250 # My Favourite Newspaper

Paragraph Group - 51
      251 # My Favourite TV Channel
      252 # Moral Erosion
      253 # Mass Education or, Literacy Campaign
      254 # Modesty
      255 # My Favourite Songs

Paragraph Group - 52
      256 # My Likings
      257 # Newspaper Reading
      258 # Nor’wester or, North-wester
      260 # Night Before the Examination

Paragraph Group - 53
      261 # Olympic Games
      262 # Our Student Leaders
      263 # Over-Eating
      264 # Ombudsman
      265 # Our College Canteen

Paragraph Group - 54
      266 # Our College Common Room
      267 # Our Education System
      268 # Obeying Your Senior
      269 # On Being Punctual
      270 # Oral Saline

Paragraph Group - 55
      271 # Our National Flower
      272 # Our Cultural Heritage
      274 # Punctuality
      275 # Political Reform

Paragraph Group - 56
      276 # Parents and Children
      277 # Political Stability in Bangladesh
      279 # Price-Rise
      280 # Procession

Paragraph Group - 57
      281 # Politeness
      282 # Pleasures of Reading
      283 # Private Clinic
      284 # Pahela Baishakh
      285 # Poverty Alleviation

Paragraph Group - 58
      286 # Pollution
      287 # Proficiency in English
      288 # Recent Drive Against Corruption
      289 # Rights of Children
      290 # Rickshaw-Free Dhaka

Paragraph Group - 59
      291 # Rights And Duties
      292 # Rumour
      293 # Rural Development
      295 # Rickshaw Puller

Paragraph Group - 60
      296 # Self-Reliance
      297 # Session Jam
      298 # Shopping
      299 # Study Tours
      300 # Sub-Regional Forum

Paragraph Group - 61
      301 # St. Valentine’s Day
      303 # Socialism
      304 # Sound Pollution
      305 # Slum Dwellers

Paragraph Group - 62
      306 # Superstition
      307 # Self-Help
      308 # Science and Humanity
      309 # Streets of Dhaka
      310 # The Queue for Flood Relief

Paragraph Group - 63
      311 # Tension
      312 # Tree Plantation
      313 # The Curse of Dowry or, Dowry System
      314 # Tribals of Bangladesh

Paragraph Group - 64
      316 # Teaching as a profession
      317 # Terrorism in the campus
      318 # Trade Fair
      320 # Truthfulness

Paragraph Group - 65
      321 # Travelling
      322 # Tolerance
      323 # The Event I Still Remember
      324 # The Life of a Tokai
      325 # Environmental Disasters

Paragraph Group - 66
      326 # The Type of a Family I like
      328 # Tourism
      329 # The Beauty of the Taj Mahal
      330 # Street Children

Paragraph Group - 67
      331 # Village Government
      332 # Voting Right
      333 # Village Politics
      334 # Ways of Fighting Corruption
      335 # Water Pollution

Paragraph Group - 68
      336 # Women in Bangladesh
      337 # Women in Development
      338 # Working Women
      339 # Your First Flight
      340 # Your Favourite Colour

Paragraph Group - 69
      341 # A man is known by the company he keeps

Paragraph Group - 70
      346 # A little learning is a dangerous thing

Paragraph Group - 71
      351 # Charity begins at home
      354 # Grasp all, Lose all
      355 # Handsome is that handsome does

Paragraph Group - 72
      356 # Health is wealth
      359 # Knowledge is power
      360 # Look before you leap

Paragraph Group - 73
      361 # Love conquers all
      363 # Mercy is God’s gift

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